Don't give into tantrums, you are only making the next one bigger when you do.
Talk to your children with respect. and they will talk with respect.
Limit televission time, and don't let them have a T.V. in their room. Kids withdrawl from the family early enough and comunication is a must.
Talk to your kids about sex and drugs. most kids experiment out of curiosity, if they know what it is about, they will more then likely not try it as early.
Always punish lieing more severly then telling the truth. That away the kids know that even though they get into trouble, it is better to admit what they have done rather then hide it or keep it a secret.
Make kids do chorers to teach them that in a family, every member is important and that every one has to work togeather to make it a good family unit.
It also teaches a kid responsibility.
Teach your children to have compassion for other people.
We are entirely to desensitized now days.
Correct your child imedietly, you have less of a chance to do it out of anger, and you definately wont forget to punish them.
Teach your children early what it means to be a man / woman. So they know what will be expected of them.
Don't bail your kids out of trouble, or make excuses for them. Teach them that they must take responsibility for what they do. That means appologizing and making things right. with the other person.
Teach by example. Make sure your children see you being polite, and kind and compassionate and doing what is right.
Make kids do their home work when they first get home this teaches them that work comes first and play is to be done in their spare time.
Keep Your children busy. bored kids tend to get into more trouble.
Make sure when you have to be away from your child, you leave them with adiquate supervision.
Make sure you spend good quality time with your children. Talk to them and really get to know how they think. when they need to express anger allow them to do so. they will be more likely to come to you when some thing is bothering them.
Teach your child the value of volunteering. It builds thier self worth.
Always remember to tell your child when they have done well. weather it be on a drawing or were really well behaived. Kids love to be bragged about. and it encourages good behavior and work.
Listen to your child, and never make light of what they say. What seems to be a small and unimportant issue, can be a major catastraphy to them.