Today the Washington Post reports on a letter sent from a dozen telecommunications and regulatory scholars to conservative leader Grover Norquist. The letter calls for a national broadband policy to promote deregulation. As a friend, colleague and usual ally, the letter calls for Grover to join the fight for free markets and deregulation. And we all know Grover is not one to avoid an opportunity to fight for limits on government meddling.
What may be lost on readers of the news story is a pattern of support for new governmental interventions in the telecom marketplace and new economic regulation. An earlier post goes right to the heart of the issue with an excellent link. No reason to expect the give and take on this issue to go away anytime soon.
I do have one major quibble, and it is with the copy desk at the WP where I assume the headlines are written, there is nothing unusual about disagreement among conservatives or scholars. It is part of the discovery and education process.