Thursday, February 26, 2009 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Obama Wants to Tax Your Cell Phone

Looks like we can count on another tax landing on our cell phones soon thanks to the taxaholics in the Obama Administration. According to Jeff Silva of RCR Wireless:

Though details on the Obama budget are few and far between, some information was made available. The administration estimates that spectrum license fees would raise $4.8 billion over the next 10 years.

Don't be fooled into thinking that wireless carriers will just eat those fees. Those fees will be coming to bill near you soon in the form of another stupid government tax burden on our wireless phones.

You know, because we're not already paying enough in taxes on our phones.

(P.S. I'm actually a little surprised that the "progressives" in this administration would support this proposal since a tax on mobile phones will end up being about as regressive as taxes can get.)

posted by Adam Thierer @ 6:27 PM | Spectrum , Taxes , Wireless