Monday, April 20, 2009 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Major Filings in FCC's "Child Safe Viewing Act" Notice of Inquiry

As anyone who has spent time searching for comments on the FCC's website can tell you, the agency doesn't exactly have the most user-friendly website. In the interest of making it easier for others to read the comments that came in last week in the agency's "Child Safe Viewing Act" Notice of Inquiry, I have compiled all the major comments (those over 3 or 4 pages) and provided links to them below the fold.

Again, this proceeding was required under the "Child Safe Viewing Act of 2007," which Congress passed last year and President Bush signed last December. The goal of the bill and the FCC's proceeding (MB 09-26) is to study "advanced blocking technologies" that "may be appropriate across a wide variety of distribution platforms, including wired, wireless, and Internet platforms." I filed 150+ pages worth of comments in this matter last week, and here's my analysis of why this bill and the FCC's proceeding are worth monitoring closely.

posted by Adam Thierer @ 11:41 AM | Free Speech , Online Safety & Parental Controls