Friday, June 9, 2006 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Rhetoric vs. Reality

PFF published a Progress Snapshot today by Kyle Dixon titled "Rhetoric vs. Reality: Lessig and McChesney on Network Neutrality." The essay responds to an op-ed in the June 8 Washington Post by Larry Lessig and Robert McChesney promoting net neutrality legislation. Here's Kyle's opening paragraph:

Like most expressions of populist idealism, there is much to admire about the most recent exhortation by Professors Lawrence Lessig and Robert McChesney on the issue of "network neutrality." (This is true even though, for the moment, Congress has declined to take the bait, rejecting their calls for stringent rules when the House adopted a telecom reform bill last night.[1]) The professors' op-ed in the June 8th Washington Post implores Congress to "save the Internet" from "deep-pocketed corporations" who aim to be "content gatekeepers" that "sell access to the express lane" and "relegate everyone else to the digital equivalent of a winding dirt road."[2] If nothing else, this rhetoric is stirring. Viewed out of context, it masterfully corners even skeptical readers with all the inescapable "logic" endured by the first person forced to answer: "When did you stop beating your wife?"

It's worth reading the Snapshot in full.

posted by Patrick Ross @ 2:32 PM | Antitrust & Competition Policy , Broadband , Capitol Hill , DACA , Net Neutrality , The FCC