Monday, November 10, 2008 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Crash & Burn

Crash and Burn.jpg

Last month during its first race, I suggested that the FCC's purchase of advertising space for the Digital TV transition on a NASCAR driver and his car might be a 2008 contender for the "Golden Fleece" award. As we later learned, the car, No. 38, driven by David Gilliland hit the wall and crashed (with no injuries) in the first of the three races in which sponsorship was purchased by the FCC. It now appears that misfortune has struck once again. The second race resulted in a crash and burn for the benighted racer and his DTV Transition-mobile, but again, thankfully, no one was injured (except perhaps the taxpayers). As Gilliland noted in his post-race interview, his team was struggling with its digital TV Transition-mobile, but he intends to get back and compete again on the NASCAR circuit. Let us hope that the trials and tribulations of the FCC's motorized DTV transition mascot is not a metaphor for the fate of the actual digital television transition, which some fear may not be crossing the finish line next February as a winner.

posted by Barbara Esbin @ 1:35 PM | The FCC