I was just cleaning out some old e-mails and found this old Radio Shack ad that a friend had sent me a couple of years ago. Sadly, I remember lusting after this machine back in 1989. A 20 MHz processor, 2 megs of RAM, and "mouse support included" made this Tandy 5000 professional "the most powerful computer ever." But with a price tag of $8499, it was practically as out of reach as a new Ferrari. (And note the fact that the ad makes clear that "monitor and mouse not included." Can't even imagine what that brought the final total to). And I love the fact that it's running the old Aldus PageMaker program, which I used to think was the greatest thing since sliced bread. God, I can't even imagine using that clunky program now. It's just amazing to think how far we have come in the last 20 years.