Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Improving Tech Environment

The good folks at the Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) have come out with their latest Tech Environment Quality Index, or TEQI. For those not familiar with TEQI, it's an attempt by ACT to quantify how legislation, court actions, regulatory proceedings, etc., impact the business environment for technology. The good news is that the TEQI stands at a healthy 100.76 (100 is the baseline). You may say that less than one point above baseline isn't great, but it's dipped as low as 90, so this latest figure is good news. Some legislation that moved at the end of the last Congress apparently helped, such as the extension of the Internet tax moratorium. For numbers geeks like me, ACT puts not only a text summary but a spreadsheet of their analysis online, complete with their methodology. I sometimes have some friendly bone to pick with the methodology, but I always greatly admire their effort.

posted by Patrick Ross @ 1:28 PM | General