Sunday, January 9, 2005 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Vertical Integration and Next Gen Gaming

Xbox Live already provides a nice VoIP option for access avoidance. Just imagine the possibilities in reading this passage from a CNET interview with Bill Gates:

Xbox Live is really talking to your friends, doing things with your friends. And as we bring in new game titles that are more approachable, appeal to different demographics, the boundary between what's game playing, what's socialization and what's communication-you will have really broken down the barriers there.

We can make these hot, super great graphics games something that are easy for people to use. That's a big initiative we have as we move to the next generation of Xbox. Likewise, the connection between the Xbox Live and our Messenger will be really simple so people can say, "Hey, come and play," "Oh, okay, I'm finishing my homework, I'm almost done, I'll get on and play with you." And so even as they're connected up to each other, they don't think of, "Oh no, now I'm gaming, now I'm communicating."

posted by @ 6:52 PM | Software , VoIP