Monday, November 29, 2004 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

When You Come To A Fork In The Road

"One of Yogi Berra's famous sayings is: 'When you come to a fork in the road, take it!' But what is good enough for Yogi is not good enough for the Commission. Not now. This time the FCC must take the right fork in the road. In light of the reality of the competitive alternatives that already exist in the telecommunications marketplace, not to mention still more potential competition in the wings, it is time for the Commission to opt for the Dynamic Deregulation vision."

The above is from the conclusion of the new scorecard I released today regarding the FCC's forthcoming UNE action. The Commission is at yet another fork in the road in this long-running play. How the Commission grades out on the scorecard's benchmarks will determine whether it takes the right (deregulatory) fork, or merely another wrong (overly regulatory) fork.

Stay tuned!

posted by Randolph May @ 7:53 PM | The FCC