Monday, September 13, 2004 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

John Stanton on the Wireless Market

John Stanton, CEO of Western Wireless, is speaking and has a great taxonomy: digital natives and digital immigrants. By natives, he is speaking of the youth market that is growing up immersed in the digital world and considers it second nature. By immigrants, he is talking about us oldsters, over whom the digital age is washing but in which we still sometimes feel like strangers. I think there is much explanatory use with these categories.

That said, one point of his presentation is that the senior market is their second largest growth market (behind the youth market). Perhaps the tale of old aunt Agnes out on the farm with he AT&T rotary phone is just that, a dwindling myth. Maybe Aunt Agnes is IM'ing her sister across town on their wireless phones.

posted by Ray Gifford @ 1:29 PM | General