Thursday, August 12, 2004 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

IP Plunge

I took the leap. VoIP is no longer academic for me or for PFF. Working out of an office in Raleigh, and talking to people around the country every day, I finally joined the growing community of VoIP consumers. By the time I return from Aspen, my number will have been ported from a LEC to an IP-provider. For about $50 a month, the package includes caller-ID, unlimited calling in America, a fax line, two telephone numbers and extensive voicemail features. The telephone numbers begin, respectively, with 919 and 202 so that both Raleigh and Washington are "local."

There will be some hiccups and I'm not sure that our main office in D.C. is ready for the plunge. (Although the satellite office in Denver is on the cusp since it is inhabited by a certified gadget-head.) I have concerns about the quality of speakerphone conversations. I had to get a new fax number. But the trade-off is tremendous. Ante VoIP, the price of two local lines, voicemail and three-way calling was more than double the cost of the new VoIP offering. And on top of it all, there are no long-distance charges with VoIP.

I'll see you in Colorado...but when I call, your caller ID will read 919.

posted by @ 2:22 PM | General