Saturday, August 14, 2004 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

Talking About Regulatory Lag--Part II

In my post below on August 4, I pointed out that the FCC is just getting around to finishing up an investigation relating to the 1993-94 LEC access tariffs.

Now comes word the FCC has wrapped up an investigation into the Virgin Islands Telephone Company's ("Vitelco") 1997 access rates, holding Vitelco liable for refunds to AT&T.

Somebody must have lit a fire under the Commission's Tariff Division. This is scary. Before we know it, the FCC may be ordering refunds for alleged overearnings that it determines occurred in the same century as the date of the refund order.

As my Mom (still) likes to say: "I should live so long!"

posted by Randolph May @ 4:15 PM | General