Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog

"Completely Wired"

In remarks delivered in Denver on Moday, presumptive Democrat nominee John Kerry proclaimed: "If Bangalore and India can be completely wired, then so should all of Colorado and all of America." For sure.

But at least one consulting group based in India begs to differ. According to a January 2004 report from Nagendra Technology Consulting, the Indian Broadband Era started somewhere in late 1999 when DSL/cable was introduced. "Now in it's 5th year of services things still seem bleak, but the market has been rapidly expanding in numbers even if not in quality." The report goes on to state that: "Although most providers wire you up with modems or connections capable of reaching in excess of 10 mbps, the actual bandwidth that is usuable is still very limited and capped by the provider within 128 kbps, and cost dramatically for 512 kbps if available as an option."

Completely wired? I guess it depends on what the definition of "completely" is and the definition of "wired" is. Isn't that so?

posted by Randolph May @ 2:12 PM | General